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Old Quotes, Fresh Encouragement

Don’t you love going back through old prayer and Bible journals.  I am have very blessed reading through Teri Maxwell’s book Sweet Journey as she is seeking to give counsel in beginning a Bible journal, prayer notebook and to memorize scripture on a daily based.  Her encouragement  is helping me to be more purposeful, once again, in my personal quiet time with the Lord.  While seeking to begin afresh with a prayer notebook, I was looking through some of my prayer and Bible journals that I have done in the past and was once again blessed by a few quotes that I found in one of my journals.  I hope they will be an encouragement to you as well.  Also, if you need some fresh encouragement in making your time with the Lord more purposeful and meaningful, I would highly recommend Sweet Journey.  ~Karen
Culture is religion externalized – Henry Van Til
When we feel God’s plow going into our hearts, remember that God does not plow without purposing a crop.  – Thomas Watson
This last one is a quote from the book Beloved Bride by Bill Potter
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson wrote in a letter to his sister after the loss of his first wife and child, who was stillborn at birth and also the time in which his wife also died:
“I have been called to pass through the deep waters of affliction, but all has been satisfied.  The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.  It is his will that my dearest wife and child should no longer abide with me, and as it is His holy will, I am perfectly reconciled to the sad bereavement, though I deeply mourn my loss.  Oh! the consolations of religion!  I can willingly submit to anything if God strengthens me.  I have joy in knowing that God withholds no good things from them that love and keep his commandments.  And he will overrule this sad, sad bereavement for good.”

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